Out Of System Fees

There is a significant out-of-system fee for ending a trip outside of the system area. You can view the exact bounds of your system area by going to your bike share system’s website, your Social Bicycles account at http://app.socialbicycles.com, the Social Bicycles mobile app, or any kiosk location. The system area is denoted by the blue overlay, as you can see in the image above.

To avoid significant charges, don't end your rental outside the system area. Instead, use the ‘Hold’ feature before locking it to a rack if you need to make a stop. This will keep the bike rented under your account (usage charges apply). A continuous trip that goes beyond the system area but ends back at a hub will not result in an out-of-system fee as long as the rental wasn't ended along the way.

When putting the bike on hold, keep in mind that the hold state will expire after some time, and become available to other users. If you do not return before the hold expires, your bike rental will end and you will be charged for the out of system area fee. Please check with your local bike share network to find out how long your Social Bicycle is allowed to remain on hold.