Riding Safely

  • DO A PRE-RIDE CHECK - Check the bike’s tire pressure, rotate the grip bell to verify it's audible, and if you’re riding at night, check that the front and rear lights are illuminated.
  • WEAR A HELMET - It is a good idea to wear a helmet when riding. Always buckle the strap and make sure it is appropriately sized. Replace your helmet after any crash and whenever you see signs of damage.
  • FOLLOW THE RULES - Bicycles are subject to the same rules of the road as all moving vehicles. Make sure to yield to pedestrians and stop at all red lights and stop signs. Ride in the direction of traffic and use the grip bell to signal your presence. We do not advise wearing earphones while riding.
  • BE PREDICTABLE - Make it easy for other traffic around you to understand where you are going. Don’t make unexpected turns that put you and others in danger. Ride at a steady pace so other vehicles can anticipate your movement.
  • SIGNAL FOR TURNS - We recommend using hand signals to let drivers and other cyclists know your intention to turn or stop. Only do so when you can safely remove your hand from the handlebars to make the signal. Don’t turn or change lanes without knowing the position of the cars and bikes around you.
  • PLAN A SENSIBLE ROUTE - Plan a safe route before you ride. You can use our app to find your way to your bike or to a hub when you want to end your ride. Have a favorite route? Let your community know.